In the words of Frederik Schroyens (chief architect of the Synthesis Repertory) the new repertory 'addresses quantity in a smart way.' And for current RADAR 10 owners, the repertory upgrade is now on sale. It forms the core of all new RADAR Packages. Synthesis Treasure Edition 2009 * is the largest and most accurate homeopathic repertory ever created. The new graphic interface is standard with all new purchases of any RADAR 10.5 package, and is available as a free 'Live Update' within RADAR 10 for all current owners. You also have seamless integration with Encyclopedia Homeopathica (EH), the easily expandable materia medica library that is included in all six RADAR packages. To begin with, you're tapping into the scholarship and precision of the Synthesis Repertory, now the largest homeopathic database in the world! And with 'Repertory Views', YOU can customize the kind of information that you want to include in each and every analysis - use only the sources that you have confidence in. The beautiful, easy and intuitive new interface was created by a professional graphic designer - and you get so much more than gorgeous pictures. RADAR 10.5.003 Homeopathic Software Full Cracked. Radar 10.5.03 Homeopathy Homeopathic EH 2.2.1.